Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tis the season...

To decorate.....
So I was horrible and did not even get my camera out during thanksgiving... It turned out pretty good though. It was a good day we got to spend with Larry's side of the family. It was fun to get together and EAT!
After Thanksgiving with the help of Bayleigh and Tanner.... And ocassionaly Larry we got the Christmas decorations up. We got the kids new stockings... This is all that Walmart had... I think they are pretty cute though.

Yep... We now even have presents under the tree.... I convinced Larry to get most of the shopping done on Satuday. The kids went over to their moms for thanksgiving and we went shopping!!! I spent a lot of the night wrapping!

Here is Bayleigh acting like a goof under the christmas tree... What a good present!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks great and present under the tree already, that is awesome. Bayleigh makes a pretty cute gift.
